Tips from Matchmakers to Up Your Conversation Game

by | May 4, 2016 | dating

So you’re looking for love. But finding an excellent matchmaking service is only the tip of the iceberg. Yes, you’ll get to meet like-minded singles in Boston but if you don’t know how to up your conversation game you might never make it past the first date. So here are a few tips from matchmakers on great conversation starters:

  • 1. Compliments

Stylecaster says compliments are a great ice breaker. So if you want to put your date at ease, start with saying how good they look. This especially works for men since they usually don’t get compliments on their looks. Do it and you’ll immediately make your date like you.

  • 2. Work

This doesn’t have to get boring. Ask about why your date went into that field, what motivated him/her to pursue that career. People are often passionate about their work and this can lead to a more relaxed conversation. However, if your date talks about hating his/her job but mentions no plans to change jobs, which could be a sign that you’re better off talking to someone else.

  • 3. Common interests

Talk about a movie you both recently caught on screen. Encourage your date to discuss the parts s/he liked best. This could help you both figure out what other things or interests you have in common.

  • 4. Funny story

This never fails. Humor is always an excellent way to make you seem much more likable. It can be a funny story you’ve heard or an incident that’s happened to someone you know or even your own crazy anecdote. It doesn’t just help break the ice, it’s also a wonderful way to tell your date something unforgettable about you, a way to make a memorable first impression.

So don’t let love pass you by. Improve your chances of getting through the first date by keeping these tips in mind.

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