Unfortunately, child custody battles happen far too often and can get quite ugly. When a custody case is going to be a tough one, it’s best to hire a Child Visitation Lawyer in Commack NY sooner rather than later. With the help of a qualified lawyer, it’s possible for a parent to get fair visitation rights, so any relationship with the child isn’t damaged. It’s far too risky to try to handle a custody case without the help of a lawyer. Although lawyers are important parts of custody cases, parents have to know how to do their part.
There are several things that a Child Visitation Lawyer in Commack NY knows parents shouldn’t do if they want to be able to see their children. Under no circumstances should parents miss any scheduled meetings with their children. Best believe that the other parent will use missed meetings to show that the parent who missed the meetings isn’t reliable. Showing up late to meetings can also pose a problem. If a person isn’t at the meeting at the prearranged time, there isn’t anything stopping the parent with the child from leaving. This will count as a missed meeting.
A parent could just be wasting his/her time at the Law Office of Ronald S. Zimmer or the office of any other lawyer if the parent can’t control social media behaviour. Posting obscene or controversial things online is a surefire way to sabotage a custody case. Does a parent really want to look like a party animal to the judge? Pictures of drug use, excessive drinking, and other things can quickly hurt a person’s case. Admitting anything on social media is bad. In passing, a person might admit they are working too many hours. The other parent might use this as proof that the person doesn’t have enough time for caring for the child. Parents fighting for custody should stay off social media until things are resolved.
When people are seeking visitation and/or custody, it’s best to listen to the advice of their lawyers. It’s also best to be truthful about everything. A child-visitation attorney doesn’t need any surprises when trying to handle a case. It’s always best for a person’s lawyer to be the one surprising the other side with information.