Short Term Rentals in San Diego is nearly 50 percent less expensive than staying in a hotel. Hotel rates, on average, range anywhere from $100.00 – $150.00, which depends on location, length of stay, and room size. If you chose a hotel, you’d more than pay double for just a single room. Short term rentals in San Diego offer actual apartments which are available with several bedrooms meant to keep the family all together underneath one roof. Also, they have available units in a broad array of environments based upon your preference. Short Term Rentals in San Diego may accommodate requests for apartments which are close to school, work, medical facilities, retail, in the suburbs, or in the city.
Short Term Rentals Provide Privacy
In a hotel, you inevitably will have others staying on either side of you. Staying in a hotel, there’s the threat of unwanted noise and disturbances on any given day. Perhaps you have to get a bucket of ice or need to do some laundry: within a hotel, you’ll likely need to travel to one other floor to do so.
Conveniences of a Permanent House
The main feature of renting short term units includes the convenience. Within a hotel, you’ll get what you get. While setting up a short term rental arrangement, you’ll find all types of interchangeable choices. As you move-in, you may expect a full size oven, refrigerator, washer and dryer, and microwave. With several furniture options and packages to add-on appliances, electronics, and additional services, you’ll have the ability to make your space as comfy as possible for your loved ones and you. Other amenities involve a fitness center, concierge service, late night cafes, gate attendant, private garages, assigned parking, and coffee bar. Many units even are pet-friendly!