Physical Excellence: Taking a Closer Look at Women’s Health Rehabilitation in Salt Lake City, Utah

by | Feb 26, 2018 | Health and Fitness

The concept of women’s health rehabilitation has been gaining steam in the contemporary medical arena but it’s important to understand exactly why:

• More than half of women above the age of 50 have low bone mass.

• Approximately 20% of women have been diagnosed with osteoporosis.

• Nearly 50% of women experience sacroiliac (SI) joint dysfunction and chronic back pain during the course of their lives, particularly during and after pregnancy.

• Upwards of 15 million women in the United States are diagnosed with urinary incontinence, which refers to the inability to properly control bladder functions.

• During a typical menstrual cycle, about 50% of women struggle with lumbopelvic instability and pain.

Thus, in order to find reprieve and relief from these conditions and discomforts, many women are beginning to avoid harmful prescriptions and dangerous surgeries in favor of personalized women’s health rehabilitation programs at their local physical therapy clinics.

This brief article will highlight the most prominent treatment regimens of today’s day and age.

Pelvic Floor Rehab

If you partner with a reputable physical therapist in your area and establish a tailored recuperation schedule, you’ll be able to decrease pelvic pain, improve urination control, and enhance bowel functionality by way of several new-age techniques:

• Flexibility and strength evaluations

• Postural exercises and myofascial release

• Modernized biofeedback programs

• Tailored dry needling treatments to release trigger points causing back pain

• Targeted joint rehabilitation and pain management regimens

Through an intricate series of unique manipulations and guided exercises, your physical therapy specialist will be able to placate a wide range of pelvic conditions in as little as five or six sessions, which is why women’s health rehabilitation in Salt Lake City, Utah is such a beneficial alternative to ineffectual medications and invasive surgeries.

Osteoporosis Treatments

Another integral aspect of women’s health rehabilitation is the modified osteoporosis program, which has been clinically proven to reduce the detriments associated with this bone-weakening disease:

• Considerable improvement in posture and musculoskeletal stability

• Substantial reduction in balance issues and falls

• Decreased risk of bone fractures and spinal collapses

• Significant increase in blood flow, muscular strength, and bone density

Your specialist will utilize several distinctive strategies to treat your osteoporosis symptoms, which might include anti-gravity treadmill therapy, aquatic exercises, and other non-weight-bearing techniques.

So if you’re ready to revitalize your health, boost your musculoskeletal wellness, and finally eliminate the specter of chronic pain, be sure to reach out to your local physical therapy specialist to schedule an introductory consultation. You’ll be glad you did.

If you’d like to learn more about osteoporosis symptoms and treatments, feel free to click here for more information.

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