Lifestyle and Risk Factors Play a Role With Diabetes

by | May 6, 2016 | Health and Fitness

The best time to treat complications of diabetes is before they occur, optimizing metabolic control. Even better, ideally preventing the occurrence of diabetes, preferably acting on those with risk factors for developing it. All persons who have risk factors should be subjected to some kind of action by their Family Doctor in Wichita Kansas to prevent diabetes. However, the best candidates fall under the following:

•Fasting blood glucose levels between 100 and 125 mg/dl

•Intolerance to carbohydrates (glycemia at 2 hours of taking 75 grams and a glucose level between 140 and 199 mg/dl)

•Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) between 5.7 and 6.4%

Experts have conducted a series of studies to evaluate the impact of different therapies, changing lifestyle or rehearsing with different medications. The lifestyle that is recommended is very similar to that advised to people who have already been diagnosed with diabetes. These people have to control weight, those who have excess fat in the blood, those with cardiovascular disease or simply the general population, as would be the healthy lifestyle choice. To do this, there should be instituted programs that, broadly speaking, have the objective 7% of body weight and those who perform physical exercise regularly, at least 150 minutes per week.

Although there is no ideal distribution of the percentages of the different immediate principles, a Family Doctor in Wichita Kansas may want their patient to limit their fat intake and basically monounsaturated fat (olive oil, nuts, avocado, etc.). As for carbohydrates, its main source should be vegetables, legumes, whole grains and dairy products. The fiber content of the diet should be at least 14 grams per 1000 kilocalories consumed. Sugary soft drinks should be limited or avoided as well.

As for physical activity, no other strategy has overcome the results achieved with a rigorous exercise plan, as long as the physical activity has moderate intensity most days of the week. The main goal is at least 150 minutes per week. Man countries, like Finland, decreased the percentage of patients who had “prediabetes” to diabetes by 60%. The problem of physical activity programs is that most of them are difficult to maintain long-term, so it is essential to carry out awareness campaigns on how to fundamentally integrate sports into everyday routines. Contact Wichita Family Medicine Specialists LLC to learn more.

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