Dental veneers, sometimes called porcelain veneers, are extremely thin wafers of porcelain that are custom made to fit on the front of your teeth. Veneers can change the color, shape and size of teeth depending on the specific issue.
Although veneers in Chicago are usually produced from porcelain, they are also available made from a resin based material. Porcelain is the preferred material, it resists stains better than composite material and looks more natural as it tends to reflect light like tooth enamel. Resin veneers are less expensive and do not require the same loss of enamel but they do not last as long as porcelain.
The problems fixed with veneers:
Veneers in Chicago are used to fix a number of problems, including:
* Discoloration: Regardless of how well teeth are maintained, they can become discolored. This can be caused by the effects of a root canal, or old resin fillings that have discolored with age.
* Teeth that are worn down, chipped, broken or have surface cracks
* Closing gaps between teeth, and
* Smoothing the surface of teeth that have irregularities
How are veneers fitted?
Once the decision has been made to get veneers in Chicago you can count on three visits to the dentist. The first visit is a consultation, the second visit is when the teeth are prepared and finally the veneers are fitted on the third visit.
* Consultation: You and the dentist will work together at this stage, you will be given an opportunity to tell the dentist what it is you wish to achieve and you will select the veneer color. The dentist will make a thorough examination to ensure that you are a good candidate; perhaps this will involve X-rays and an impression.
* Preparation: The dentist will remove about 0.5 mm of tooth surface, this equates to the thickness of the veneer. Molds are taken and sent to a dental lab where the veneers are made.
* Fitting: The finished veneers are fixed to the teeth using a permanent adhesive. If there are any small adjustments to be made, this is the time that the work is done.
You may be asked to make a further visit to the dentist to see how your gums are adapting to the veneers and to have a further look at the placement.
If you are unhappy with the look or condition of your teeth you may wish to consider veneers in Chicago. You are invited to make an appointment with Dental Professionals of Lincoln Park.