The most common accident found in households is an open faucet left open, causing it to leak and possibly break. Make sure your home insurance policy offers coverage for water damage, because not all insurance policies are equal. Neglecting certain issues can not only damage the house, but also create leaks for neighbors. However, water damage in homes are not always caused by human error; a pipe in poor condition, poor construction, or even an ice storm can cause issues. Most home insurance in Alliance Ohio takes care of Water Damage but it is important to hire an expert to repair your home.
Many of the common problems in homes derive from poor construction. Leaks from rain, moisture and pipes are just a few of the problems that can occur, but human error also has its place in the list of causes of water problems. The most common accident in the home is forgetting to turn off the faucet and it leaks and then breaks. Damage caused by lightning, wind and hail follow suit.
Losses from leaks are very common. Data published states that almost 1.1 million homes and businesses were affected by water damage. To see the magnitude more clearly, insurance companies pays for a leak every 5 minutes. According to statistics, water damage accounted for 34.8% of the total cost of home repairs, followed by fires at 11.9%.
Generally, companies have water damage experts serving the needs of customers all year round, including 24 hour service. The cover of water damage is important and should involve the costs of masonry and plumbing needed to locate and repair the fault. Also, cosmetic damage such as paint or tile repair is an issue. Flood damage is covered, but in the case of some insurers, coverage applies only if the damage was produced by meteorological phenomena.
As mentioned before, some home insurance covers water damage only related to meteorological phenomena. Damage caused by rain and seepage are usually the things taken care of. If you have a yard or garden, make sure the gutters are not clogged with mud, leaves or trash. Prevent dripping faucets, as this will not only avoid flooding, but will save money on water bills. For more information, contact your local water damage in Alliance Ohio expert.
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