If your teeth look too small for your mouth, have cracks or chips in them, or are stained from within due to an injury, you may not be comfortable smiling. Fortunately, there is a non-invasive dental procedure that can change how your teeth look. By covering your teeth with veneers, the dentist can change their appearance.
Placing Veneers
Veneers, which are also called porcelain veneers in Washington, DC, consisting of a very thin layer of porcelain that a dentist bonds to your teeth. To prepare your natural teeth for placing the veneers, a very thin layer, about a millimeter, is removed from them. Then, to bond the veneers to the teeth, light-sensitive resin is applied and hardened with a curing light.
Shaping the Veneers
Once the porcelain veneers are in place, the dentist will shape them so they hide the imperfections on your teeth or make them appear larger than your natural ones. They can also help hide the gaps between teeth that some people have and do not like. Once they are in place, no one will be able to tell that they are veneers, the imperfections cannot be seen, and your teeth will be white again.
Procedure Aftercare
After the procedure is over, you should be cautious when eating because they are not as strong as natural teeth. Cut up hard fruits and vegetables and break off chocolate from bars so you can eat without damaging the veneers. Do not chew food, ice, or objects with your front teeth. Also, for questions about getting veneers, visit website for more information.
Getting porcelain veneers is a good option for correcting gaps between teeth, hiding chips or fractures, or hiding dark stains that do not come out. There is usually minimal pain when veneers are placed so there is very little recovery time necessary.