Why It’s Best To Leave New Door Installation In Des Moines IA To A Professional

by | Dec 6, 2017 | Business

A new door can not only transform the way a home looks, but it can also provide additional security and increased protection from the elements. Purchasing a new door is relatively inexpensive, but the act of Door Installation in Des Moines IA is not for the faint of heart. Here is a quick look at what is involved in the process and why it is a project that is best left to a professional to ensure a final result that will be visually stunning and operates reliably.

Old Door Removal

The first step of the process is to remove the old door and frame. The door itself is rather simple to remove and only requires loosening a handful of screws so that it can be easily lifted from the hinge plates. Removing the frame is more complicated and involves the use of specialized tools, in addition to a considerable amount of physical strength to successfully remove the frame insert once it has been detached from the inner walls of the house.

Doorway Preparation

Once the old door is out of the way, the next step is to prepare the doorway for installation of the new unit. It is essential to inspect the area for any wood that may have been damaged due to water exposure and to replace it before putting the new door in place. Finally, the new frame should be inserted into the doorway and mounted to the house, as well as sprayed with foam insulation to increase the new door’s ability to reduce the occurrence of drafts.

New Door Installation

After the frame is set, the next step of Door Installation in Des Moines IA is to hang the new door. It is a good idea to connect the hinges to the door and to set the door in place, making sure to align up the hinge screw holes with those in the frame. The last step is to tighten the screws and test the door to make sure no adjustments are required.

The process of installing a new door is not a project for an inexperienced DIY renegade. The team at Quality Construction Services Inc. can make the process simple and have a new entry system installed in just a few short hours. Visit the website to learn more and see how affordable giving an entryway a makeover can be.

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