what to avoid when filing for divorce

by | May 20, 2016 | Law

Three Ways You Can Make Your Divorce Into a Better Situation

Emotions run high as couples face divorce. If you and your spouse see divorce in your future, you may be wondering what to avoid when filing.

Keep Discussions Between Lawyers

First of all, whenever possible, you should avoid discussing your personal problems directly with your spouse. If you were not able to resolve your differences to save your marriage, the likelihood that you and your soon-to-be ex can work them out amicably between yourselves now is not great. Now that you are ready to file, you can use that phrase that is often heard in various movies and shows, “Have your lawyer call my lawyer.” Keeping communication moving between lawyers ensures that everyone thinks before responding and that distracting battles do not erupt.

Minimize Family Squabbles

Secondly, do not fight in front of your children and other family. Harming your children in any way should definitely be on your list of what to avoid when filing for divorce. When marriages fall apart, a wide variety of other relationships are endangered, too. Keeping the peace among in-laws whenever possible will help everyone involved to transition to a more peaceful state once the divorce is finalized. Meanwhile, children deserve to be able to love both parents and to be free of adult-sized burdens.

Keep Private Matters Private

Thirdly, whatever you do, do not take your dispute to social media sites such as FaceBook. While there is nothing wrong with venting, your posts can become records that could be requested by the court. Furthermore, putting your dirty laundry out for all to see is distasteful and likely to deliver dismaying results.

One of the benefits of divorce should be that old arguments are put to rest or minimized. If such outcome is one of your profound goals, these three caveats of what to avoid when filing for divorce should help your life during and after divorce to be increasingly stress free.

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