Tours of the Future: How Tour Guides are Changing

by | May 22, 2017 | Software Company

The world is greatly impacted through the implementation of new technologies. This has touched the tour guide industry significantly. Many of the most popular tourists’ spots are working to use this to their advantage. This change is seen in many different aspects, including booking, knowledge sharing, and accessibility.

Tour Booking and Technology

The focus on online booking has been seen in many different industries, and the tour guides have used this as well. You are now able to see what tours are available, who your tour guide will be, and even reviews of the tour guide. Reviews in particular is a great way for the best tour businesses to gain a large following. All this information lets customers make informed choices about the company that they use. It also makes booking a tour quick, easy, and efficient.

Knowledge Sharing and the Tour Experience

With the increase in availability to technology, tours are expanding their methods of teaching. Many of the most popular tour spots are using kiosks to share knowledge with the tourist who is looking to find out more. Custom kiosk software can be programed to show relevant details on any part of a tour. This newer method is making tour guides more of a luxury item.

Increasing Accessibility

With the age of many tourists’ attractions, it is no surprise that many of them are not designed for anyone but the able-bodied. Those who suffer from physical impairments have difficulty navigating the stairs, small hallways, or other commonly seen building characteristics. While buildings of today are usually built with accessibility in mind, the old and historically relevant buildings were not. With new technology emerging, specifically in virtual reality, these people are now able to explore these places. The ability for a person constrained to a wheelchair has been limited. However, technology is working towards accessible tours, which allow everyone to enjoy these historic landmarks.

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