The Definition and Importance of Family Dentistry San Marcos CA

by | Dec 1, 2014 | Dentist

The term family dentistry is sometimes used interchangeably with general dentistry. However, there are a few differences with the main one being that a general dentist may decide to focus on one particular kind of care such as adult dental care, while family dentists treat children as well as adults. Many families now prefer to visit only one dentist that is able to provide dental care to the entire family so family dentistry is a very popular choice for many people.

Dr. George Braithwaite DMD who practices Family Dentistry San Marcos CA provides patients with exceptional care. Those who regularly visit the family dentist tend to have less dental problems than others. The preventive care that is offered every six months at the routine visit teaches patients how to successfully care for their own teeth and will help keep them from developing further complications in the future. With the proper instruction and preventive care many patients may never have to worry about potential issues that require additional dental specialists.

With access to the latest technology and equipment dentists are able to extend excellent care and can now detect the smallest issue before the patient even realizes they have a problem. This can be easily performed by getting a quick x-ray performed that will show any problems below the gum line or inside the tooth that the dentist can’t see with the naked eye. The preventive care will greatly reduce the stress levels that are associated with visiting the dentist, which in turn helps each patient to stay on a better schedule and keep returning on time. Some of the services that most family dentists offer their patients include the following:

1. Endodontics

2. Dental Implants

3. Cosmetic Dentistry

4. Oral Surgery

5. Sealants

6. Cleaning every six months

7. Mouth guards for athletes

8. Mouth guards to protect against night grinding

9. Individual instruction on how to prevent future problems

Many family dentists offer a welcoming environment and are devoted to a patient’s oral health. They should also provide an excellent relaxing visit to all who are currently seeking Family Dentistry San Marcos CA. Contact one to make an appointment today. Or click here.

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