How Does GPS Survey Equipment Differ from Regular GPS?

by | Oct 27, 2017 | Business

The GPS, also known as Global Positioning System, is just one piece of surveying equipment that surveyors use on a regular basis. It is also quite different from the GPS programmed into the standard smartphone. Where exactly do GPS survey equipment and your phone’s GPS split off into different entities? Is it a matter of power; are they built different or is something else at play? Keep reading for a full explanation.

Regarding GPS Survey Equipment

The average set of GPS survey equipment is meant exclusively for the work of surveyors and is a major component in their ability to carry out projects. GPS survey equipment is known for being the most powerful example of global positioning technology available. It will always be built on a large scale. You’ll typically find it in the form of large devices wandering the atmosphere (known as “rovers”), as well as big buildings designed specifically to house the technology and equipment needed. The stationary GPS buildings can communicate with nearby rovers, who send and receive signals to satellites up in the air. This is how GPS survey equipment is able to track locations.

About Standard GPS

The GPS you’ll find on your smartphone or laptop computer is generally much weaker than GPS survey equipment. Because you’ll generally only use it for casual purposes, such as trying to locate a restaurant or during a brisk jog, this form of GPS is referred to as “recreational” within the industry. Standard GPS works similarly to GPS survey equipment in that it depends on satellite transmissions. However, it also depends on a collection of digital maps of each location you’re in. Through a combination of these two elements, your phone is able to both pinpoint exactly where you are in the world and use your Maps app to tell you how to navigate to someplace nearby.

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