Facts About Getting a Dental Crown in Kona

by | Jul 4, 2017 | Dentist

A Dental Crown in Kona is produced when a tooth has suffered from a large amount of decay or has been fractured. A tooth like this is severely dilapidated, so it is restored from a reconstitution material (like a resin), the tooth is prepared, and the dentist lays the crown. The crown sits over the old tooth. This is what happens in the majority of cases. In others, the tooth is too damaged for the crown to be placed on it.

An inlay-core, or “false stump”, is designed to reconstruct the visible part of the tooth. The inlay-core is fixed in the root of the tooth by means of a tenon. It serves as a support for the future crown. There are three main types of crowns:

• A metal crown is composed of non-precious metals (nickel, chromium…), semi-precious or precious (palladium, gold…).

• Metal-ceramic crowns are designed with metal underneath and a ceramic exterior. The metal can be non-precious, semi-precious or precious.

• Ceramic crowns are made entirely in ceramic.

Which one to choose? The first criterion is aesthetics; then it depends on the clinical case. Sometimes a ceramic crown cannot be made (for example, in the case of a large bridge). The price is also a criterion to be taken into consideration knowing that metal crowns are the least expensive. Generally, the laying of a crown happens without problems. Nevertheless, a Dental Crown in Kona can sometimes have minor inconveniences.

It is possible to feel small amounts of pain in the days following the crown placement for example when there was no provisional crown laid. One can have an abscess after the laying of a crown, but this is then linked to devitalization, for example, if it was badly done, meaning it had nothing to do with the actual crown itself. Rather than a feeling of itching, most people can feel compression at the site. People must contact Carter S. Yokoyama D.D.S. if any of these problems occur.

Lastly, there are no contra-indications to the laying of a crown. One must simply be careful of the risk of allergies to one of the constituent materials of the crown. This is particularly the case for nickel allergies, which are becoming more common in women. Visit carteryokoyamadds.com today.

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