Dental medicine performed by an adroit Dentist in Mankato MN has improved so much over the last couple of decades. There is remedial treatment for even the most advanced of oral defects. Those with an oral health conscious mindset can find all-embracing dental care from a Family Dentist in Mankato MN. Dental care starts anywhere from routine exams, to complex treatment for advanced oral diseases.
Digital x-rays detect oral conditions that can’t be seen with manual exams. An electronic sensor takes a high resolution digital picture to be viewed on a computer. The biggest advantage digital x-rays have over x-ray film is detailed images that can be magnified and viewed right away. Digital x-rays also reduce the level of radiation exposure. A Dentist in Mankato MN can see the smallest tooth, bone and gum anomalies in the earliest stages to be treated well before the condition has time to progress. Dental x-rays can reveal cysts and abscesses, malignant tumors, irregular oral development and problems under the gum line.
What is Oral Pathology?
Oral pathology is a defect in the soft tissue of the mouth. Soft tissue in the mouth is lined with mucosa. When the thin layer of skin is healthy, it’s pink and feels smooth. Changes in color and texture is reason to believe a pathologic process is manifesting. A Dentist in Mankato MN can see changes on the neck, face and certain places in the mouth. There are several pathologic conditions with not all of them being severe. Geographic Tongue is when the papillae or small bumps on the tongue are scarce. It may show red patches or a rash. Hairy Tongue is unhealthy bacteria on the tongue. The tongue may look hairy or black. Improper hygiene or overuse of antibiotics can cause this condition. Median Palatal Cysts are skin sacs filled with fluid.
How are Pathological Oral Diseases Treated?
Most pathological maladies are treatable and don’t cause serious health problems. However, the rate of oral cancer has increased in recent years. The average survival rate is eighty percent if it’s diagnosed and treated in the earliest stages. There is an antibiotic regimen that restores mucosa to its original condition. When unfit oral hygiene is to blame, a hydrogen peroxide mouthwash is prescribed. Bad bacteria and yeast on the soft tissue is annihilated and halitosis is cured. Comprehensive oral surgery removes cysts and abscesses related to pathological problems.