Common Questions Asked By Brides About Teeth Whitening In Kalamazoo, MI

by | Mar 21, 2016 | Dental Health

For their wedding day, many brides want to look their best, and this includes the appearance of their teeth. By visiting a Teeth Whitening Kalamazoo MI, area dentist, a bride can have the whitest teeth possible on the big day. Read the information below to learn the most common questions asked by brides about whitening their teeth.

Q.) How long before the wedding should a bride schedule a teeth whitening appointment?

A.) Individuals can schedule a teeth whitening appointment at the dentist office at any time before their wedding day because the results are visible the same day. When individuals buy tooth whitening kits that are sold in boxes at the drugstore, it can take several weeks or months for their teeth to look any whiter. One teeth-whitening session at the dental office lasts about 30 minutes, so a bride can quickly mark that item off the wedding to-do list.

Q.) Does teeth whitening at a dental office cause any pain, and are there any side effects?

A.) When dentists whiten a patient’s teeth, there isn’t any pain involved in having the procedure done. To keep the whitening solution from irritating the gumline, the dentist places a gelled substance and a gingival barrier on the gums for protection. For a few days after the teeth whitening procedure, some patients notice slight tooth sensitivity when eating hot or cold foods. This sensation normally disappears after a few days.

Q.) How much whiter will a bride’s teeth be after having a dentist perform a teeth whitening procedure?

A.) A bride can expect the teeth whitening procedure to lighten the teeth several shades. The exact level of whiteness depends on the condition of the patient’s teeth before the procedure is performed. In some patients, it’s more difficult to remove gray and yellowed stains from the teeth. If the teeth aren’t white enough after one visit, a bride can schedule another appointment with a teeth whitening in Kalamazoo, MI area dentist.

Contact Busch Gentle Dentistry to schedule an appointment to have your teeth whitened before your wedding day. After brides have this simple procedure done, they have whiter teeth and a brighter smile. Visit the website at to learn more information about their tooth whitening procedure.

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