Choose a Business VoIP Provider – Feel the VoIP Revolution

by | Jun 14, 2018 | IT Services

Interested in experiencing the benefits of cloud-based communications? Want to go beyond what is possible with your local telecom’s service? If so, VoIP phone solutions can deliver the benefits that you want. Business VoIP service can provide you with flexibility, cost savings, powerful features and more, and IT Partners+ is your trusted provider. What are some of the key ways you can benefit from working with a business VoIP provider?

What Is VoIP?

For those not entirely sure what VoIP systems are and how they work, it’s quite simple. Rather than using a landline from your local telecom, your business’ phone system will be based on your Internet connection. A cloud-based, enterprise-grade VoIP system offers immense benefits, ranging from saving you a lot of money on communications technology to handoffs between devices and more. At IT Partners+, we believe in delivering the best of all worlds.

Blending Platforms

One of the most important benefits of business VoIP phone solutions is that you are able to blend platforms. Today, your employees are frequently on the phone while also using their computers. With the right business VoIP service, they can easily switch from the phone to the computer for greater convenience, and your customers will never know the difference.

Manage Devices Easily

Another benefit you’ll find with VoIP solutions is that you can easily manage all of your devices from a single point to save time and decrease the need for individual device management, including mobile devices.

Be in the Know

One of the most important features you’ll find with VoIP services is the ability to integrate call type detection technology with mobile device technology. This allows you to immediately determine the type of call you’re receiving, and then choose how to route it, how to respond to the caller, and more. It’s all about streamlining your communications capabilities while ensuring the best possible customer experience.

Quality Control

Finally, you’ll find that the right business and enterprise computer IT solutions provider can also provide you with call recording capabilities for quality control and customer service management. Imagine being able to pull up individual calls to determine where breakdowns might be occurring within your customer service department, what issues your customers are experiencing, and more.

When it comes to business VoIP service, IT Partners+ delivers cutting-edge solutions for businesses just like yours. Call us today at 616-828-1010 to learn more.

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