Assessing Your Need For Home Damage Restoration In Pensacola Florida

If your Pensacola home really is in need of restoration following damage, then, that damage was probably something quite severe. It could have been a major fire, or collision from a runaway 18 wheeler – anything that has the potential to cause major structural damage to the building itself. In such circumstances, you need to exercise due care over your choice of contractor for Home Damage Restoration in Pensacola.

On the other hand, if the damage is minor or superficial and all you really need is to tidy up the appearance of the place (and, maybe, do a little remodeling), you might even be able to carry out the work yourself. Alternatively, most general purpose contractors for Home Damage Restoration in Pensacola should be able to provide you with a good result.

Let’s Look At Major Structural Damage

Very few homes are built straight on top of the land beneath them. Some form of foundation system is required, not only to provide a flat, level base on which to build but, also, to support the total weight of the building.

Designing the foundations is a specialized aspect of home construction. It might be that a basic concrete slab could do the job but, in most cases, a greater penetration into the underlying soil and rock is likely to be required. Companies like Ram Jack Solid Foundations produce, distribute and install (through their network of approved affiliates) steel piling systems that are custom designed to suit any circumstances. However, those circumstances can change over time and it is not always possible to predict and guard against effects of change.

Foundation Damage

Earthquakes, landslides, sinkholes or soil slippage are factors that can interfere with the integrity of a home’s foundations. These may not be common in places like Pensacola but flooding, and sea storm surges can and do occur.

For example, at least a foot of rain fell there In June 2012 causing widespread flooding and, in April 2014, Pensacola received about 20 inches of rain within a 24-hour period. Hurricane Ivan in September 2004 caused a huge storm surge into nearby Escambia Bay which contributed to the destruction of some 10,000 homes and severe damage to another 27,000. The total cost of all hurricane damage came to more than $6 billion. Part of these damages would have been caused by either subsoil being washed away or actual flooding damage to foundations.

Who knows what the future holds? Maybe, you should have your foundations checked out in advance? Contact us at Ram Jack Solid Foundations to minimize the risk of expensive future Home Damage Restoration in Pensacola.

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