What to Consider When Designing Banners in Fontana, CA

by | Mar 2, 2016 | Business

The idea of having a fundraising event for a local charity sounds great, but there needs to be a lot of publicity. Along with posting signs in strategic locations, think about investing in a couple of Banners in Fontana CA, that flank the entrances to the area where the event will be held. Here are some of the banner features that should be considered carefully.

What Type of Material is Best?

One of the most common options for Banners in Fontana CA is vinyl. The material is easy for a printer to work with, and the banner will hold up well to exposure to the elements. If the event turns out to be successful, the idea of holding it annually may come up. Since the vinyl banners are designed to last, it will be possible to use them for several more years.

Designed for Windy Conditions

Perhaps there is some expectation of windy days and nights between the time the banners are hung, and the event takes place. A talk with the printer will help the client understand that there is a way to design the banner and take this into account. The material can include tiny openings that will significantly reduce the resistance to the wind. Those openings will not be large enough to obscure the lettering on the banner itself, but they will decrease the potential for the wind to damage the material.

What Information to Put On the Banner?

The nice thing about banners is that they are larger and it is possible to put all the essential information on display. The name for the event is a must, followed by information about what organization is sponsoring the fundraiser. Dates and times also help. If the sponsoring organization has a website, adding the URL is also a good idea.

For help with designing banners for any occasion, talk with the team at Engrave N Embroider Things today. After learning more about the event and where it will be held, coming up with some design suggestions will be easy. Once the client approves the design, the banner can be created and ready for delivery in no time.

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