3 Reasons To Hire A Personal Injury Law Service In Lafayette LA

by | May 18, 2016 | Law Services

According to the National Center For Health Statistics, there are over 31 million people injured in accidents each year. Many of these accidents were caused by the negligence of other persons. These types of accidents include automobile accidents, slip and fall accidents, dog bites, accidents due to defective products, and construction accidents. If a person is injured in any of these types of accidents, they should contact a Personal Injury Law Service in Lafayette LA.


When a person is injured in an accident, they can expect to have medical bills. The extent of the bills depends on the extent of their injuries. If a person is injured severely enough, they may need to take time off work, resulting in lost wages. Because the accident victim was not the one who caused the accident, they should not be responsible for the costs associated with the accident. A Personal Injury Law Service in Lafayette LA can help the accident victim get the compensation that they deserve.


The first step to a person receiving compensation for their injuries is negotiations. The insurance company for the responsible party will often contact the victim immediately after the accident. In some cases, they will contact the victim when they are still at the hospital. Most accident victims will not know how much money they deserve after an accident, so they should contact a personal injury lawyer for advice. Not only will the lawyer work out the negotiations, they will also keep the insurance company from bothering the victim when they are trying to recover.


If the victim’s lawyer and the responsible party’s insurance company cannot agree on a settlement, a judge and jury would get involved to determine the settlement amount. In order for the victim to get the compensation that they deserve, they would need a personal injury lawyer to prepare a strong case using all of the evidence in the case, including police reports, witness statements, and medical records. They would then present the case in court.

The victim of an accident that was caused by the negligence of another person should not be responsible for the costs that go along with it. For more information, visit chrisrichardattorney.com.

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