Properly Diagnosing and Treating TMJ Wichita in KS

by | Nov 2, 2015 | Dentist

Oral complications unrelated to poor oral hygiene does exist. What’s not always understood is that oral anatomy consists of the teeth, gums, joints and muscles in the jawbone. All individual parts need to work together harmoniously in order for oral health to be indefectible. TMJ in Wichita KS is a condition that affects the joints and connective tissue of the jaw. Symptoms of the disease can be subtle to severe. One of the most common symptoms are chronic headaches. This can be mistaken with the ailment of chronic migraines. Migraine headaches is a whole other condition with its own causes. Frequent headaches from TMJ are only linked to that condition. A dentist needs to examine and diagnose a person for TMJ to know for sure.

Temporomandibular disorder has varying causes. A bite that’s out of alignment can lead to the condition. When the jaw is closed or in a resting state, the muscles, joints and connecting tissue should be relaxed as well. An improper bite can cause consistent tension in the jaw. Trauma to the face can end with TMJ complications. Popping of the joint when opening the mouth or speaking is another symptom. Dentists diagnose TMJ Wichita KS with scans and digital x-rays of the joints and soft tissue surrounding the jaw. Dentists determine how severe it is, then carry through a treatment plan that eliminates the symptoms and cause.

An oral mouth guard is one way to treat TMJ. It’s worn at night and during the day if necessary. A mouth guard is good for people experiencing pain throughout the day. Ultrasound therapy uses a device that applies heat to tranquilize the muscles and joints in the jaw. Those with stiffness in the jaw can get nerve stimulation therapy. Electrical currents are transmitted to scale down tension. The dentist can give patients instructions for disciplined locomotive exercises to improve pliability in the jawbone. Trigger point injections are for more severe cases. It contains a medication that reduces inflammation and pain for an extended time. Surgery is a last alternative only when conservative attempts failed. An effective treatment modality that alleviates symptoms or cures the condition is found while in the care of an assiduous dentist.

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