What Are The Common Forms Of Negligent Slippery Floor Claims

by | Jun 15, 2016 | Law

A bad fall can result to a lot of injuries. If you fall and hit your head, break your arm or generally end up in an accident, needing medical treatment, you have the right to file for a claim. That holds if the accident happens while you’re in a commercial establishment. Businesses already know that as far as the law goes, they have a legal responsibility to comply with duty of care, which means they must do whatever they can to provide a safe environment for customers.

Duty of Care

Common forms of claims, in this case, include the lack of proper signage for wet floors. Any failure to sufficiently warn customers against wet or slippery areas falls is taken against the business or company and can be considered negligence.


However, Duty of Care isn’t absolute. Exceptions do happen. If the company had no time to see the white floor and rectify the situation, then they aren’t liable for any damages. But if they management had any prior knowledge of the wet floor, then that immediately makes them liable.

Common Injuries

Lack of proper warning signage can lead to the following: sprains, bruises or torn muscles and ligaments; whiplash along with a range of neck or back injuries; fractured bones which can go from wrist and forearm fractures to more; and head injuries, such as concussions and wounds to the scalp, if you end up falling and hitting your head as a result.

When You Get Hurt

If you’re capable, gather evidence for your injury claim. Ask the manager of the business to file an incident report, get treated and have those records handy, take videos and get legal help. When you’re hurt and filing for a claim, having a personal injury lawyer can make a difference in whether you get the compensation you deserve or not.

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