Personal Injury Law Service in Lafayette LA Offers Helpful Tips

by | Feb 4, 2016 | Personal Injury

Personal injuries are commonplace incidents in the world today. No one likes to consider that he or she may be involved in an accident that may lead to a personal injury lawsuit; however, it happens all the time. If you are involved in an accident that causes you to sustain a personal injury, a Personal Injury Law Service in Lafayette LA can help you fight the case. There are some things that need to be kept in mind about personal injury in Louisiana.

  • Whenever a personal injury is sustained, the victim must realize that there is a statute of limitations that is set in motion, if he or she expects to recover any monetary compensation for what he or she has suffered. This deadline is one year after the date of the incident, except in rare cases.
  • Louisiana applies the “Comparative Fault” rule, which reduces the amount of any award the victim will receive by the amount that is deemed to be his or her fault.
  • If a pet owner has a dog or other animal that bites a person, he or she is fully liable for the injuries caused by his or her pet. There is no “one bite” rule, as applied in some states.
  • Louisiana also has a “cap rule,” which limits the amount of compensatory damages a person can receive in a medical malpractice suit is $500,000. This rule applies only for the medical malpractice and not other personal injuries.
  • In the case of an auto accident, Louisiana is a “fault” state. This gives the injured party the option to file a claim against the insurance or take the case to court.

If you have been involved in any incident or accident, Chris Richard is an attorney who operates a Personal Injury Law Service in Lafayette LA. The law firm handles DWIs, OUIs, Workers’ Compensation cases, Social Security cases, disability cases, as well as personal injury lawsuits. Don’t run the risk of the statute of limitations running out on your personal injury case. Find out what is the best option for you. You can get more information about this by visiting the website of Chris Richard,

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