Change Your AC Filter Regularly To Avoid Air Conditioning Repair in Wichita Kansas

There is not much worse than coming home to a hot and humid house in the middle of a summertime heatwave, but if the air conditioner isn’t functioning properly, it may happen. Aside from feeling sweaty and sticky in a hot house, it can actually be dangerous for infants, small children and the elderly. When the air conditioner isn’t cooling the house the way it should, open the windows, turn on the fans, and call for Air Conditioning Repair in Wichita Kansas. All the while keeping your fingers crossed that the unit can be fixed quickly and easily.

One of the most simple, yet overlooked ways to keep the AC unit functioning at its best is to routinely change the air conditioning filter. It’s easy to do and can cause a multitude of problems if it’s not done on a regular basis. Dust, debris, animal dander and fur all can get clogged in the filter. Of course, that’s a good thing, as the filter is doing it’s job, but if the filter stays clogged, it will cause the AC unit to work harder, and eventually wear out quicker. When air can’t get through the filter, it places a greater strain on the air compressor. If the filter is frequently clogged, the extra workload on the compressor will eventually cause it to burn out and need to be replaced. Unfortunately, this is a complicated and expensive repair that is best to be avoided. Likewise, when the house isn’t cooling well, and the electric bill is sky-high, check the filter before placing a call to the air conditioning repair in Wichita Kansas. Changing the filter usually takes minutes. Most units have disposable filters that pop in and out when the cover is removed. Some units have permanent filters that can be taken out, washed and replaced. No matter which type is in the unit, keeping it clean extends the life of the unit and prevents costly breakdowns.

Many AC repair companies offer maintenance packages including filter change, coil and drain cleaning and an all-over inspection to ensure the unit is running properly. To avoid costly repairs and high electric bills, Check Out to learn more about keeping your air conditioning unit working its best.

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