Benefits of Hiring a Professional Ventilation Duct Cleaning Service in Angola Indiana

According to the American Lung Association, most people spend about 60 to 90 percent of their time indoors. Further research by the EPA indicates that indoor air is up to 70 times more polluted than outdoor air. Some examples of indoor air contaminants include airborne allergens, carbon monoxide, bacteria, animal dander, dust mites, tobacco smoke and household mold. These contaminants are circulated throughout a home or office and can affect the health of family members or employees. Hiring professionals to clean air ducts can help to eliminate these problems fully. Qualified ventilation duct cleaning contractors use specialized vacuums, specialized blowers, and brushes to clean out the intake, supply and return ducts throughout a home or business. Professional duct cleaning also involves a thorough cleaning of air handlers, fans, housings and coils of an HVAC system. Here are top three reasons to hire a Professional Ventilation Duct Cleaning Service in Angola Indiana.

Reduce Heating and Cooling Expenses

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, 25 to 40 percent of the energy consumed for home heating and cooling is wasted if the unit dirty. Contaminants in the HVAC system cause it to worker harder to attain the set temperatures. If an HVAC unit is clean, it will work efficiently, leading to cost effectiveness.

Improved Health and Home Hygiene

Eliminating contaminants from ventilation ducts helps to ensure the best possible air quality. This can help to minimize reaction to environmental sensitivity, asthma, allergies and other breathing problems. In addition, source removal duct cleaning helps to reduce household dust thereby leading to an improved home hygiene.

Increase the Longevity of an HVAC Unit

Research shows that 9 out of 10 system failures are due to dirt and dust. One function of the fan located in the air handler is to cool the heat exchanger. Accumulated dust and debris reduces the cubic feet of air per minute (CFM) by up to 50 percent. Hiring professionals to clean the HVAC system can help to prevent its premature breakdown and aging.

These are some of the primary reasons to hire a professional Ventilation Duct Cleaning Service in Angola Indiana. For more info about duct cleaning services, please contact Duraclean.

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