Unmatched Luxury: Mohair Upholstery

by | Dec 16, 2014 | Home & Garden

Mohair upholstery is widely regarded as one of the most luxurious and exquisite fabrics to use for upholstery among the many options available in the market. The fabric used in the upholstery process is made with the hair of the Angora goat. There are many reasons why upholstery made from this particular fabric is so highly regarded.

  • The fabric exhibits impressive sheen and luster. This property has helped the fabric earn the nickname “Diamond Fiber.”
  • Mohair is comfortably warm in winters due to its inherent insulating property and remains cool in summers owing to its moisture wicking abilities.
  • Though Mohair upholstery uses fabric that is more expensive than many other options, it also offers higher durability and unique properties such as flame resistance and crease resistance. Between its aesthetic and its durability, it is worth every penny.
  • It renders furniture a very rich and premium look, adding elegance and class to any room.

Keep it Clean

But if you are planning on investing in Mohair upholstery, be sure to make use of the following advice, since Mohair requires careful upkeep.

  • Stains may form overtime in pressure-centric areas of the upholstered furniture, such as the armrest or backrest. These stains appear as changes in the shade of the fabric. A simple solution to getting rid of these spots is to apply a damp cloth over the affected area overnight. Make sure the cloth is only damp and not too wet.
  • Stains caused due to coffee or juice spills must be treated immediately. Use a mild detergent to clean the stain. Never use harsh or strong detergents, as they may damage the fabric permanently. Use pure alcohol to treat stains made by diluted alcohol or spirits. Rinse with clean water later and leave the fabric to dry.
  • Mohair upholstery does not attract too much dust, but as the case is with any of your furniture, it is advisable to clean it using a vacuum cleaner occasionally.

Many families worry that brnging such expensive upholstery into a home with young kids is too risky. But if the few guidelines mentioned above are carefully followed, even messy kids should not be an issue. Just make sure they eat and drink away from the furniture.

The Green Advantage

Mohair upholstery also appeals to those who are concerned about the environment. An excellent alternative to fur, which requires the killing of animals, Mohair causes no hurt to any animal. This green benefit has helped the fabric’s market expand multifold over the last few decades, especially in the US. This has resulted in a number of dealers offering an array of exciting options, in terms of design and color. Overall, there appears to be no downside to investing in your own mohair upholstery today!

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